Lovebird Films | bring your engagement session to life

I know what you’re thinking:
I’m so awkward in front of the camera. I can barely stand the thought of engagement photos, why would I want video?


You know what? You probably are kind of awkward in front of the camera. Hi. We all are. That’s because it IS weird and totally out of our norm to have a camera following you around capturing all kinds of weird moments that usually happen totally undocumented. We’re not trained actors here! But trust me—even if you tend to turn into Ricky Bobby (“I’m not real sure what to do with my hands”) whenever a camera comes out, you’ll get tons of direction and feedback, you guys will be interacting and laughing and by the end of the session, I swear you’ll be pumped and ready to submit a headshot to a modeling agency.
You’re going to love your engagement photos.


So what’s this about video then? Why would you want another camera on you?


Cause video is awesome. Photos freeze beautiful moments and capture them forever— that’s amazing. But video strings all those moments together and gives you the option of setting it to rad music and feeling everything that happened all over again.

These films are perfect for social media, and will add another level of personality to your wedding website.

I mean, you’re already going through the crazy experience of having a camera document you and your boo being adorable and wild and fun— you might as well end up with amazing photos and a fun little film to show for it.


Love the idea? Get in touch!

This will work great if we’re already working together on your engagement photos, but I’m happy to jump in with another photographer if you already have someone booked— as long as they’re cool with it.
Which hopefully they would be because I’m very friendly and laid-back.
Okay, I’m fairly laid-back.
Like, I’ll totally go along with everything they’re directing but if I see an amazing shot I’m not going to be able to stop myself from freaking out and directing the heck out of the moment.
But most photographers like me :)

(did that just devolve into me tooting my own horn? apologies.)